*Para obtener información sobre la historia de los pueblos indígenas de América, tenemos que leer los libros y los artículos escritos por los especialistas. ¿Pero quiénes son estos especialistas? Este blog es una presentación de algunas de mis proprias fuentes escritas (libros & artículos)...
*For good information, one needs good sources. This blog is a list of some of my own sources on indigenous American history (books & articles).
*E agora algumas de minhas fontes escritas:
*Bronnen dus! Allons-y!
Pre 1492
Handbook of South American Archaeology
Edited by Helaine Silverman, William H. Isbell
Springer Science 2008
The archaeology of the Caribbean
Samuel M. Wilson
Cambridge World Archaeology
Cambridge Univerity Press, 2007
Myths and Realities of Caribbean History
Basil A. Reid
University of Alabama Press
Tuscaloosa, 2009
Post 1492
Indian Conquistadors – Indigenous allies in the Conquest of Mesoamerica
Edited by Laura E. Matthew and Michel R. Oudijk
Univ of Oklahoma Press, 2007, Norman Publishing
Conquered Conquistadors – The Lienzo de Quauhquechollan: A Nahua Vision of the Conquest of Guatemala
Florine Asselbergs
University Press of Colorado/ Research school CNWS, Leiden University
Boulder, 2004
The Pueblo Revolt and the mythology of conquest – An Indigenous Archaeology of Contact
Michael V. Wilcox
University of California Press
Berkeley/ Los Angeles/ London, 2009
The Comanche Empire
Pekka Hämäläinen
Yale University Press
New Haven & London, 2008
The Native Ground – Indians and Colonists in the Heart of the Continent
Kathleen Du Val
University of Pennsylvania Press
Philadelphia, 2006
Bont en Bondgenoten – Indianen en Fransen in Canada 1632 – 1685
Hugo J. Vos
Heerlen, 2008
Born to Die – Disease and the New World Conquest, 1492 – 1650
Noble David Cook
Cambridge University Press, 1998
Exiles, Allies, Rebels
Brazil's Indianst Movement, Indigenist Politics, and the Imperial Nation-State
David Treece
Brazil's Indians and the Onslaught of Civilization - The Yanomami and the Kayapó
Linda Rabben
Univ of Washington Press, 2004
First Peoples in Canada
Alan D. McMillan & Eldon Yellowhorn
Vancouver/Toronto, 2004
Pre 1492
Starch grains on human teeth reveal early broad crop diet in northern Peru
Dolores R. Piperno, Tom D. Dillehay
PNAS December 16, 2008 vol. 105 no. 50 19622-19627
Preceramic Adoption of Peanut, Squash, and Cotton in Northern Peru
Tom D. Dillehay, Jack Rossen, Thomas C. Andres, David E. Williams
Science 29 June 2007: Vol. 316. no. 5833, pp. 1890 - 1893 10.1126/science.1141395
The cultural and chronological context of early Holocene maize and squash domestication in the Central Balsas River Valley, Mexico
Anthony J. Ranere, Dolores R. Piperno , Irene Holst, Ruth Dickau and José Iriarte
PNAS March 31, 2009 vol. 106 no. 13 5014-5018
Initial formation of an indigenous crop complex in eastern North America at 3800 B.P
Bruce D. Smith, and Richard A. Yarnell
PNAS April 21, 2009 vol. 106 no. 16 6561-6566
Post 1492
Arqueólogos encuentran tesoro en la reconstrucción de la antigua entrada de
*Este tesoro estaba enterrado en pleno cruce de caminos de la capital
peruana, uno de los espacios más transitados.*
Por: EFE
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