zondag 6 maart 2011


A court in Brazil has approved a controversial hydro-electric project in the Amazon rainforest, overturning an earlier ruling.
Last week a judge blocked construction of the Belo Monte dam, saying it did not meet environmental standards.
But a higher court on Thursday said there was no need for all conditions to be met in order for work to begin.
Critics say the project threatens wildlife and will make thousands of people homeless.
The Monte Belo dam is a cornerstone of President Dilma Rousseff's plan to upgrade Brazil's energy infrastructure.
Controversial plan
Licences still have to be granted for the actual building of the plant, but in January, Brazilian environment agency Ibama gave the go-ahead to clear land at the site.
The government says the dam is crucial for development and will create jobs, as well as provide electricity to 23 million homes.
The 11,000-megawatt dam would be the third biggest in the world - after the Three Gorges in China and Itaipu, which is jointly run by Brazil and Paraguay.
It has long been a source of controversy, with bidding halted three times before the state-owned Companhia Hidro Eletrica do Sao Francisco was awarded the contract last year.
Celebrities such as the singer Sting and film director James Cameron have joined environmentalists in their campaign against the project.
They say the 6km (3.7 miles) dam will threaten the survival of a number of indigenous groups and could make some 50,000 people homeless, as 500 sq km (190 sq miles) of land would be flooded.
Depois de, na semana passada, o projecto ter sido suspenso por um juiz, uma instância superior dá o “OK” para o início das obras daquela que vai ser a 3ª maior barragem do mundo e que tem gerado controvérsia por colocar em risco a Biodiversidade e vários grupos de indígenas.
Aparentemente, as obras para a construção da mega-barragem na Amazónia que tinham sido suspensas por decisão de um juiz na semana passada, podem avançar, depois de um tribunal de uma instância superior ter anulado essa decisão, alegando que nem todos os requisitos ambientais têm de ser cumpridos
A barragem de Belo Monte será o terceiro maior empreendimento hidroeléctrico do mundo e tem gerado controvérsia porque destruirá uma parte significativa da floresta da Amazónia afectando a Biodiversidade e vários grupos indígenas que habitam na região.
O projecto, que surgiu nos anos 90 mas foi abandonado devido aos impactos ambientais, faz parte dos planos da Presidente Dlma Rousseff para modernizar a rede energética do Brasil e foi aprovado pelo IBAMA em Janeiro de 2010.
Com uma potência associada de 11 mil MW, a barragem de Belo Monte fornecerá electricidade a 23 milhões de lares. Será instalada no Rio Xingu e implicará a submersão de 500Km2 de selva ao longo de 6Km.


Bouw omstreden megadam Amazonegebied gaat toch door

Dankzij een Braziliaanse hogere rechtbank mag de bouw van ’s werelds derde grootste dam toch doorgaan. Het draaide een besluit van een rechter vorige week terug over het stilleggen van de bouw van een megadam in Altamira. 

Er zou niet zijn voldaan aan 29 voorwaarden van natuurbehoud zoals het herstel van verontreinigde grond en het waarborgen van de bevaarbaarheid van rivieren. Maar de hoge rechter zegt nu dat er in elk geval mag worden doorgegaan met het vrijmaken van het stuk land dat nodig is bij de Xingu-rivier. Volgens hem is het op dit moment nog niet nodig dat aan alle voorwaarden wordt voldaan.

De lokale bevolking is tegen de bouw van de waterkrachtcentrale omdat tienduizenden dakloos zouden worden. Maar de regering claimt dat de dam 23 miljoen huishoudens van stroom kan voorzien en voor veel werkgelegenheid zal zorgen. De dam kost 11 miljard dollar en produceert 11.000 megawatt produceren.

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